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Voiture RC Carrera Power Hunter 142020

Utilisez 10340 pts

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There’s incredible power under the hood of this approximately 51 cm offroad pursuit car. The ‘big block’ says it all and is a typical feature of US musclecars. The compressor and air filtre provide an extra portion of visual attraction. At top speeds of up to 18 km/h it can race around non-stop for 40 minutes. The 8.4 V-500 mA recharger only needs around 80 minutes to completely repower the 7.4 V-900 mAh Li-Ion battery.
Fat pneumatic tyres and all-round suspension make it almost impossible to knock this car off course. If the Power Hunter is faced with a larger obstacle, precise digital proportional controls allow it to be navigated with ease.  The controls for this giant can be modified in seconds by adding or removing a joystick. Power Hunter can race in a field of up to 16 competitors thanks to 2.4 GHz technology.
Once this silver and red monster jeep is underway, there’s almost no way of stopping it.

Age rating:
<div class=eurostile-bold-italic rating>6
<img title=Warning: small parts – choking hazard – not suitable for children under 3. alt=Warning: small parts – choking hazard – not suitable for children under 3. src=http://shop.pogioclub.be/cms/carrera/consumables.png>
Warning: small parts – choking hazard – not suitable for children under 3.

Seal of approval:
<img width=39 height=28 alt= src=http://shop.pogioclub.be/cms/carrera/ce.png border=0>
<div class=eurostile-bold-italic rating><img width=134 height=57 alt= src=http://shop.pogioclub.be/cms/carrera/tuev_gs.png border=0>

Référence: Voiture RC Carrera Power Hunter 142020

Article proposé par : Pogio


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